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The Chapel and the box: The value of the IA process

Presented by:

Juls Hollidge

What if the purpose of Information Architecture has been grossly miscommunicated? The process of IA as simply a means to an end surely misses the point discarding with it the revelations and nuances along the way; the development of ‘what’ and the wisdom that comes from ‘not that’. There is a science to IA but there is also an art.

Together we’ll look at the value of the IA process and rhythms of IA thinking, as it is within these that IA finds its true value and its distinction from the rest of our competing, overlapping LinkedIn skill lists. Are we, as Information Architects, required to jump aboard the UX train? How do we strategically communicate our value within a culture driven by deliverables, and why is IA considered a price too high for many?


February 2017


35 minutes



Session time

2:00 - 2:35