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Chelsea Humphries

Liason Librarian, Brock University

My joy comes in introducing yoga to others for the first time, especially in unexpected ways! I love demonstrating that yoga can be done by everyone, in all places, at all times. I've taught all ages, from six to sixty, and all levels, wearing all manner of attire (including jeans!). I'm eager to discover new ways to share yoga with as many people in as many places as possible, and to make the world a little bit brighter in the process.

Join Chelsea at her Mindfulness Break sessions at WIAD Toronto 2021. Take a mindful movement break right at your desk or couch between speaker sessions! 

  • 11:00-11:15 AM
  • 1:45-2:00 PM

If you'd like to save one of the Mindfulness Break videos for yourself, you can find it at