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Anya (Anna) Gerasimchuk

Director, User Experience, GE Aviation

While being involved in many spheres of IT in her past experiences: from Design & Development to Project Management & Product Ownership, Anya brings emphasis on the User Experience as a priority in decision-making. Never satisfied with either strictly technical (dev) nor pure emotional (Visual Art), UX has become a perfect blend of requirements gathering and analysis, information architecture formation, and the user-centered hands-on design principles.

An advocate of constant self-training in professional spheres, she is also a professional Fine Artist (, with a twist of a Piano education from a 10-year Musical School in Saratov, Russia.
Although Wild-life Adventures and Culture Travelling, rigorous hiking and long-distance swimming amongst the other solo sports has always been a must-have during the typical vacationing, the most important emphasis for Anya is the family.  Dragging kids to the exhausting long wild-life trips and even the family relocations to other continents, has always been an exciting and a rewarding experience for the whole household, after the tiredness has been forgotten, of course.

Anya is currently a director of user experience at GE Aviation Digital, and works across the portfolio of products leading a team of talented designers located both domestically and internationally.