Design for Difference
February 23, 2019
Join us for this year's World Information Architecture Day. As designers, we are responsible for creating worlds of experiences, environments, services, and systems that impact millions of people – with lasting impacts. While we don’t have a Hippocratic Oath, it’s important for us to follow a similar goal to “do good” and “do not harm.” It is our responsibility as IAs to consider the consequences and impact our design decisions have on humanity and society as a whole.
Research is a foundational step in the design process. It ensures that we understand and account for diverse user needs within communities, both in our own domains and globally.
So, what differences are we are designing for?
- Difference in ability and disability
- Difference in access to information and technology
- Difference in language and cultural understanding
- Difference in age, gender, and identity
- Difference in experience
There is no average user. There is no norm.
Venue, parking and transit
General Assembly SF
225 Bush Street, 5th Floor (East Entrance)
San Francisco, CA 94104
No parking except on street, metered.
Near Montgomery Bart station (2 blocks) and a couple of Muni stops.
9:30 am - 9:55 am - Registration and morning coffee
10:00 am - 10:10 am - Intros and Welcome
10:10 am - 10:25 am - Chris Nossel
10:30 am -10:40 am - Lightning Talk - Diamond Ho
10:45 am -10:55 am - Lightning Talk - Angela Pham
11:00 am -11:10 am - Lightning Talk - Monica Guerrero
11:15 am -11:25 am - Lightning Talk - Cordelia McGee-Tubb
11:30 am - 12:55 pm - Lunch
1:00 pm - 1:55 pm Panel: Designing for Difference
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm - Keynote Speaker, Steve Portigal in conversation with Marianne Berkovich
2:45 pm - 3:00 pm - Closing remarks, prize draws
3 pm - head to a nearby bar for cocktails