World IA Day Jordan is taking place on Saturday, February 27, from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Amman, Jordan Time!
This year's theme for World Information Architecture Day is Curiosity.
Cu·ri·os·i·ty: the pleasure of asking, exploring, experimenting, discovering, learning, and understanding. In a profession that brings order to chaos, where is there room for curiosity?
“An architect who needs complete and consistent requirements to begin work, though perhaps a brilliant builder, is not an architect.” - Mark W. Maier & Eberhardt Rechtin, The Art of Systems Architecting
This year, we’ll be meeting in the virtual world with a slightly different format to keep up with the current times.
Venue, parking and transit
World IA Jordan 2021 will be hosted online through GoToWebinar
This our schedule, please be aware that you need to register for every Session.